
Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Mikogo is a screen sharing software

Mikogo is a screen sharing software. Several people can be invited, to have a look, what is shown on a computer screen.

This is very convenient in combination with skype. It is possible to integrate Mikogo into Skype, but I think, it is better, to use it parallel. If the internet connection with Skype should collapse, then there is a chance, that Mikogo still works; at least it tries to connect again.


The software is free for download
  • download the software from; either the versions for Windows or the version for Mac. R egister; the user name and the password will be sent per email to you
  • download the user guide, which is in pdf format, save it on your hard disk and study it.
  • to start Mikogo: the button of Mikogo is shown in the tool button
  • starting Mikogo
give in your user name (emailadress) and your pass word and your name
activate: load Mikogo at start up
  • invite others
  1. start Mikogo, by clicking on the tool button
  2. in the Menu use: start meeting
  3. a menu shows up: got to and click on Join Meeting
  • enter meeting ID
  • enter your Name ( name of participant )
  • click join meeting

These information must be sent to all participants per email, to invite them for the meeting. They must respond during 15 minutes. If they respond, they can see the computer screen of the invitor.

If a password has been used for the meeting, the participants must give in the password in a second window

Lock meeting: after all participants have arrived

4. end of meeting

click M in the tool button and select End Meeting

Skype must be opened independently from Mikogo.

5. other features of Mikogo

  • pause: activate the M icon, select pause transmission; computer screen is not shown. Activate again by selecting Continue Transmissiowhiteboard: drawings can be made on the computer screen, on top of what is already shown
  • closing the whiteboard, select x in the top right corner
  • switch presenter: computer screen of a participant is shown, The participant must agre
  • remote control: presenter can control the other screens, when he gets the permission.
  • send files
  • share applications: select application selection
  • back monitor: shows a small screen of the presenters screen on his own screen for controllin
  • recording of meetings
  • end meeting: click x on the top right corner
  • scheduler: can be started before the meeting. The same ID number can be used for future meeting

1 comment:

Ronnard said...

Hi Jasmin,

I have checked teamviewer and agree, that it is an excellent program and will be quite useful for companies, which are interested to use internet video conferening.

I expect, that in some years videoconfering will be used much more than today. It would save a lot of time and money for all participants.

