There exist many poor or unemployed people worldwide. The best opportunity for them to earn their living, to work as a self employed person.
But also for self employed people it can be interesting, to find additional opportunities to earn money, because it is always safer to have several income sources.
We will therefore discuss several opportunities in the category: How to earn money. It is good to have a core business, but we should also try, to learn enough about other businesses, so that we can start with a new business, if the core business runs into problems.
Here we discuss, how we could earn money with fish farming.
- Assuming, that not much money is available, we have to start small, but with the goal, to earn our living in the future.
- How do we start, if we know nothing about fish farming ? The easiest way is, to search in the internet, starting with
- Using the search words "fish farming" , we are directly led to the main article at:
This article gives us a good first overview, so that we know enough, to focus on the topics of fish farming, which are of interest for us.
What do we learn from this article ?
- extensive fish farming is done in lakes or at sea coasts. But it is not of interest for us, because we need large lakes to live from.
- The most common fishes raised are: salmon,carp,tilapia, catfish and cod.
- intensive aquaculture: With intensive aquaculture, we can raise a lot of fishes in tanks, combined with the culture of vegetables and need not much footprint, to live from.
Therefore this will be our choice, to focus on in part 2: Aquaponics