
Saturday, July 7, 2012

How to Earn Money with Fish Farming Part 2: Aquaponics

What is needed  for intensive  aquaponics ?
  • Plastic tanks are placed in green houses with hydroponic beds, in which oftenly herbs like parsley and basil are raised.
  • water purification system; recommended is a combination of hydroponic horticulture and water treatment.
  • What is the best fish for us ?  Salmon and trout need expensive food  and they need much oxygen in the water. 
  • Much  less demanding  are Catfish and Clarias. Up to 10% of the water volume can be fishes.  That means, in  a vessel with 1 cubicmetre  there could be raised up to  100  kg  fish.
  • The draw back of too high fish density is the danger of  infections and of course, the fishes should lead a good life. That means, they need enough free space to swim, good water quality and good food.
Integrated recycling systems look to be the best solution for us, because we need not an expensive water cleaning system. Nature works  for us and we can also raise vegetables. But we need a filter and and an air supply system into the water.
  • We  can use the waste water in the garden

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