
Thursday, July 12, 2012

Wisdom of Mankind: What can we Learn from it ?

Religions,  ideologies  and  also philosophy  have taught high ideals,  but in practice the organizations, which represented these ideals, have done  the most horrible crimes in the history of mankind.

Therefore  in the time of renaissance and later in the time of enlightenment, men have developed an attitude, to negate all the  teachings of them.

In the 19 th century Marxism and in 20 th Fascism and Leninism, Maoism etc. have done the most horrible crimes in the history of mankind.

Therefore many people follow now the ideology of atheism, which is nothing  else as also an ideology, because it pretends to know at least, that there does not exist something like a God, which is impossible to prove or disprove, as already the german philosopher Kant in the 18. century demonstrated.

Also natural science cannot teach us anything about this question, because  it cannot investigate it.

Therefore we should take a pragmatic attitude and differentiate between the organizations ( which are dominated by men ) and the teachings of wise women and men.

Perhaps we can learn something from them, which may help us, to lead a happy life.

Therefore I will now and then write about the wisdom of mankind, without making any difference, if it comes from ancient times of the Aborigines in Australia, the Indians in America, the Indian Hinduism, Buddhism etc.

Only the arguments count.

So lets start with a teaching  of Laotse, the wise teacher of  Taoism in ancient China:

One of his famous teachings was:

"The  soft will defeat the hard."

He has used several of those apparently unlogical teachings, to overcome our limited thinking, which is determined by prejudices.

And we must get aware of our prejudices and overcome them, so that we can really solve problems and get creative.

We know, that Laotse is right  in  at least   several cases:

1.   water can destroy the hardest rock
2.   one man, without any arms like Ghandi, could  defeat the British  Empire,  full with  military weapons

What have both cases in common ?


Never give up, overcome any frustration and go on.

And that is the attitude, which every inventor and entrepreneur needs.

We will experience a lot of  frustration, but we have to overcome it, to get successful in the end.

Of course, we should  carefully analyse every defeat and learn from it and not just go on stubbornly. That could lead us into  the wrong direction.

We  must critically analyze our motivation and collect any needed information, so that we can make  rational decisions.

But then we should overcome our frustration and go on.

"The soft will defeat the hard".

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