
Sunday, September 26, 2010

How To: copy the content of a computer screen with ScreenShotCaptor

For writing reports it is very useful, if one can include in the report, what is shown on the computer screen.

Oftenly one has to include  photos, CAD-Drawings, Excel-Data sheets and parts of text documents  in a new report or send it per email to a partner.

And now and then it is not possible, to include interesting content from a website, because one cannot copy it.

All that work can be done with screen capture programs.

There are several commercial ones available. Here I recommend one, which is free ( the author asks for a donation and I think, that it justified, to support them, because that program is really good ).

You can download it from:

You have to register, so that you can download it. Then an email with a registration key is sent to you, which you have to paste in, when you open the program the first time.  A bit unusual, but no problem.

The program is really free,  even if you don´t donate, but then you have to get a new registration key after 6 months and again after 12 months.

But I think, that a reasonable donation is only fair. Good work should be supported.