
Monday, September 27, 2010

Edmond`s Scientific Method

Edmond, the founder of Edmond Scientifics, investigated the relevant literature, to find out, what ingredients are important for a succesful scientific solution method.

He gives permission, to use freely his findings and distribute them, so that many people can learn and apply this method, to improve the living conditions of us all.

Here follows a copy of his findings. More detailed informaton is given on his website:

cited from Edmond:

"    Here Is the Best Problem Solving Model,
      the Most Important of All Problem Solving Strategies for Complex Problems.

The literature shows, that thousands of model formulas have been offered for the mental activity stages of problem solving. After a thorough review of the literature and selecting features from the best of them, a formula - SM-14 - is now available for creative problem solving.
It consists of 11 steps or stages and 3 ingredients.
It is complete and practical. It is long enough to cover the major steps or stages and ingredients, but not so long as to be impractical for use and for teaching problem solving.

Creative Problem Solving Model: SM-14

Step or Stage 1 - Curious Observation

Step or Stage 2 - Is There a Problem?

Step or Stage 3 - Goals & Planning

Step or Stage 4 - Search, Explore, & Gather the Evidence

Step or Stage 5 - Generate Creative & Logical Solutions

Step or Stage 6 - Evaluate the Evidence

Step or Stage 7 - Make the Educated Guess (Hypothesis)

Step or Stage 8 - Challenge the Hypothesis

Step or Stage 9 - Reach a Conclusion

Step or Stage 10 - Suspend Judgment

Step or Stage 11 - Take Action

      Supporting Ingredients:

Ingredient 12 - Creative, Non-logical, Logical, & Technical Methods

Ingredient 13 - Procedural Principles & Theories

Ingredient 14 - Attributes & Thinking Skills



How To: scope with stress

Stress is a severe health problem in industrial nations. If not taken care of, it can cause   the  "burnt out syndrom".
Stress can be caused, if several problems come together at the same time and we either have no solution for them  or  not enough time,  to solve them all in due time,  like:

  • Financial pressures
  • too much work pressures
  • problems with family at home

How can we reduce the stress ?

1. prepare  a  to  do list with  all tasks and problems
2. analyze the problems one by one and develop several concepts, how to solve them. Use a problem journal,  into which you write all relevant information and solution ideas.  Review it every week.

3. discuss these concepts with others and apply the most promising one.

4. plan at least 1 hour each day, when you relax and don´t think about your problems. Just enjoy life and do, what you enjoy to do

5. if stress is caused, because your life situation will change ( job, family etc ), then write down, what causes fear to you. Is it only some diffuse fear of the unknown future or are there some real problems, which future could bring. Develop again several concepts, how to clarify these future problems and solve them if they really should occur.

6. reserve one day per week for relaxation and at least one weekend per month for relaxation.

7. train relaxation methods, like
  • autogenic training
  • Yoga
  • TaiChi
  • and do some sport like walking, swimming etc.