
Saturday, June 6, 2009

Constructing a morphological box with a flow chart program

Searching in the internet for a software program, which is spezialising onto morphological analysis was without success.

There has been developed a software program at the institute of the Swedish Morphological Society. ( ) But one cannot buy it.

Therefore we have to use other software programs to prepare a morphological box. In principal each program, with which we can create a table or arrange words or symbols on the computer screen and apply hyperlinks to them, can be used.

But if one looks at Word for instance, with its table function or Excel then one finds out after some time, that they are not flexible enough, to change the structure of the morphological box.

The best for the time being is therefore in my opinion, to use a flow chart program. A lot of flow charting programs are available, but I do not want to make a comparison of them here and focus only on one, to explain, how it can be used to construct a morphological box.

This program is called Edge Diagrammer ( ) As usual, one should download a free trial and check it thoroughly and also compare it with others, to find out, which has all needed features and which one likes best.

All the diagrams, which usually are drawn with a flow charting program, can also be drawn with Edge Diagrammer. But it is also possible to draw concept maps with it, because one can link boxes with links and add text to the links. The important difference to many other flow charting program is, that this label keeps to be fixed at the link, also when the structure of the diagram gets changed. ( it is a mess to rearrange all labels, after one has moved some boxes )

There is no template for a table structure available in Edge Diagram, but it is easy, to draw one and then use it as a template.

Just arrange boxes in form of a table, with rows and columns and titles in the first column and the first row. Then in each cell of this table, the title of the row and the column are written. Using a hyperlink, one then can link this cell to a text document, in which all needed information and comments are written about this special combination of features. ( all documents should be in the same file, together with the flowchart, so that it is easy to make a back up )

Using colours for the boxes, it is also possible to classify all cells; what is impossible, very difficulty to realize and onto what should one focus.

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