
Friday, July 6, 2012

How to Get the Needed Information to Solve a Problem

The steps to solve a problem are following:

1.    get aware that a problem exists

2.   analyse and structure the problem
  • divide it into  smaller pieces
  •  start to solve the easiest pieces
3.   collect the needed information, to solve the more difficulty pieces

Here I will focus only onto  point 3:

                     Where can we find the needed information ?

1.    ask  others
2.    read books, reports  and patents
3.    search in databases
4.    use the internet

  • To ask others  is a good method. Even, if they don`t know the solution,  each discusssion with others helps, to understand the  problem and get new solution ideas.

  • In a good library there should be many books or reports in journals, which deal with similar problems, from which we can learn and we get pieces of the needed information.

  • There exist many databases worldwide about almost any subject, in which a huge amount of information is stored. Many are free, for others one has to pay.

Nowadays a very comfortable method to find information,  is of course the internet. Problem with it is, that it oftenly is difficulty to judge, how reliable the information is.

For searches in the internet not only the well known search engines should be used, but meta search engines. These are either specialised  to a subject or they  use many other search engines, so that they can give better results.

There are a lot of meta search engines available and the best is, to test them, searching about a topic, which is well known.

Here is a small collection only:

Meta  Search Engine

Meta Crawler


Computational Knowledge Engine and  facts in technology and sciences

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