
Thursday, May 14, 2015

The Art of Correct Conclusions

Somebody, who must have had a lot of humor, gave the name "homo sapiens"  to humans, which live nowadays and which ancestors left Africa about 60 000 years ago.

If we look at, how we humans behave since thousands of years, then this name is totally wrong. Humans have always spent a lot of their resources to develop more efficient weapons, so that they could murder more humans.

And we go on with this behaviour. And we do our best, to destroy all resources, on which we depend, if we want to survive:
  • we pollute all water on the globe with chemicals and plastics
  • we destroy the farmland
  • we do our best, to heat up the atmosphere as quickly as possible, so that the glaciers will melt, the sea levels will get higher and flood all towns near the coasts  and the number of earthquakes will increase, because the molten core of the earth will get loaded differently compared to today.
    • vulcanic eruptions will also increase
  • we waste our resources for miliary weapons and  wars, which increase the poverty in  the world, but do not solve one problem, but  only add much more.
  • we accept, that the majority of humans live in poverty and will have no chance, to improve their living conditions
Question is, why are we so damned stupid on a larger scale but very intelligent on smaller scales ?
We must investigate, why human behaviour does not work on a larger scale. 

We  have the technical skills and all needed resources, so that all humans could have a fair share of  the global wealth and we all would even profit a lot from it.

Because now we are so stupid, to waste  the huge potential of all the poor people, who could attribute a lot to the global wealth, if we would give them a fair chance.

  • How can it happen, that so many corrupt and cruel politicians come into power and why does nobody hinder them directly, before they get too powerful ?  Is it, because we are mammals and just accept everybody, who claims to be the strongest leader, without thinking about it for a second ?
  • are we just too lazy to think in a rational and logical  way, based on facts and not on claims, which politicians make ?
  • How can we find out, why we do not think correctly and how can we change it ?

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