
Saturday, January 2, 2016

How to get information, evaluate them and draw valid conclusions from them

On this blog we focus on, how to solve a problem. That means, that  we already have narrowed our view and are focusing on, if we know all needed facts and with what method we can solve the problem.

On the Blog:


a more general view is taken:
  • How can we find all needed  information
  • How can we  store them safely
  • How can we  structure and evaluate them
  • How can we present them, so that they are easy to understand
  • How can we draw the correct conclusions from them

I agreed with the owner of this Blog, that we will corporate in the future:
  • detailed posts will be given on the blog, for which they are most relevant
  • abstracts of these posts are also given on the other blog
  • on each blog links lead  to the other blog
We will try to develop a ring of corporating blogs, which all together can develop efficient methods, to deal with information and with problems.

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